Thank you to everyone who came to our 2023 Symposium!

We are pleased to announce The return of the AWI Symposium!
This two-day conference last occurred in 2019. We are excited to reprise it with plenty of new additions…including a keynote address from James Spann!
On April 6-7, 2023, AWI will host its 2023 Symposium here on campus at The University of Alabama. It will have a theme of H2O R20: Water Research to Operations, and will feature a student poster session, water career fair, oral presentations, faculty workshops, and a keynote address from James Spann!
The student poster session will occur in the late afternoon/early evening on April 6, so if your parents will be in town for Honors Day, be sure to bring them for support. On April 7, oral presentations from faculty and other researchers will occur in the AM; the keynote address will occur during lunch; and the student career fair and faculty workshops will occur in the afternoon.
These details are subject to change and more details will come, including abstract calls. For now, hold these dates in your calendar and get excited!
You can download a temporary parking permit that will allow you to park in the parking deck near the Bryant Conference Center. It also has instructions on how to access the parking deck. Be sure to print this out and place it in your window if you do not have one of the parking permits listed.
Events Schedule
April 6th
4:00-4:30 PM – Welcoming address
4:30 – 5:15 PM – Opening Plenary Address
5:15 – 7:30 – Poster Session & Networking Dinner
April 7th
7:30-8:15 – breakfast
8:15-11:30 – concurrent oral talks
12-1 PM – James spann keynote lunch
1:30 – 2:30 – TIG grant writing workshop
1:30-3:30 – water career fair
Abstracts were due Feb 27 8:00 AM
Abstract decisions were sent March 10 5:00 PM
Registration closed at 8:00 AM on March 27 Detailed agenda released by 5:00 PM on April 3